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101 QUIZ

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life insurance 101 quiz

Life Insurance Quiz 101

10 random quick, easy life insurance quiz questions to help you unlock how it works by increasing your knowledge.

1 / 10

What is lump sum servere illness cover?

2 / 10

Is there specific cover for cancer only, as my family are at a higher risk for this disease?

3 / 10

Can a beneficiary in my will also act as a witness and sign my will?

4 / 10

Do insurers offer an monthly disability income benefit instead of a lump sum amount?

5 / 10

What does it mean to have a whole of life benefit?

6 / 10

My comprehensive servere illness cover pays me out for stage 4 cancer. Seven months later, I suffer a servere heart attack. The two events are not related, will I be able to claim again?

7 / 10

What is the minimum and maximum amounts of Life Cover you can have?

8 / 10

When is the best time to take out Life Cover?

9 / 10

If I pay for my policy premiums for 20 years and don’t die, can my Life cover be paid out to me?

10 / 10

What would happen if I don’t disclose to the insurer upfront that I once had a heart attack when I was really young?

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*This quiz is not intended as financial or insurance advice. Call us for specific insurance related questions and advice.

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