Insurance 101 Quiz? Let’s do it.

Educating our clients on insurance is a top priority, as informed clients make better decisions. By empowering you with knowledge, we strive to build lasting relationships based on trust and transparency.


Our Client Education Quizzes

Think you can out smart these insurance questions??
Hmm, let’s see if you can?
Click on each of the sections for different insurance categories.

Insurance 101

Insurance 201

Life Insurance 101


1 votes, 5 avg

Personal Insurance Quiz 101

10 Quick, easy home and car insurance quiz questions to help you unlock how it works by increasing your knowledge.

1 / 10

Why is my risk address so important when taking out home contents cover?

2 / 10

Why does my premium go up if the value of my car should be depreciating?

3 / 10

Why would an insurer reject my claim?

4 / 10

Is it necessary to have a tracking device?

5 / 10

What does full comprehensive vehicle insurance cover?

6 / 10

How long do I have to report an accident to the police to claim for insurance?

7 / 10

What type of cover do I need to take out for vehicle for mechanical and electric breakdown?

8 / 10

What does the insurer mean when they ask if I am the regular driver of my vehicle?

9 / 10

Why is it important to make sure your monthly insurance premiums is paid every month?

10 / 10

What is meant when I say, I use my vehicle for private use only?

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1 votes, 5 avg

Personal Insurance Quiz 201 - Intermediate

10 Intermediate level, random quick, easy home and car insurance quiz questions to help you unlock how it works by increasing your knowledge.

1 / 10

What happens if I decide to cancel my vehicle insurance and self insure?

2 / 10

What is malicious damage?

3 / 10

Does my marital status really affect my vehicle insurance premium?

4 / 10

Why is it important to disclose true information to insurance companies?

5 / 10

What is an additional excess?

6 / 10

Gary goes to work on a Friday, he ends up staying after work with his colleagues and they have a few drinks. He leaves work at 11pm and heads home. As he is passing the robot, a guy who is highly intoxicated skips the red robots and knocks into Gary. Gary and the other driver are not injured however upon the police arriving they test them both for alcohol and both Gary and the other driver are arrested because of their alcohol levels. Will the insurer pay for the damages to fix Gary's car?

7 / 10

What happens if I had a burglary at my home 2 years ago and I didn’t tell my current insurer about it when I took out home contents cover?

8 / 10

Do I really need to disclose the colour of my vehicle for insurers to calculate my premium?

9 / 10

What is SASRIA cover?

10 / 10

Why does it matter if I have a license or not when taking out insurance, if I am the one who will be paying for the premium?

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Life Insurance Quiz 101

10 random quick, easy life insurance quiz questions to help you unlock how it works by increasing your knowledge.

1 / 10

What will happen if I stop paying for my life cover premium?

2 / 10

What is lump sum servere illness cover?

3 / 10

Do I need to go undergo any medicals or answer any medical questions when taking out life cover?

4 / 10

What would happen if I don’t disclose to the insurer upfront that I once had a heart attack when I was really young?

5 / 10

What is the minimum and maximum amounts of Life Cover you can have?

6 / 10

What does it mean to have a whole of life benefit?

7 / 10

What is the general purpose of lump sum disability cover?

8 / 10

I have life cover of R500 000 and I have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I have 3 months to live. Is there anyway I can get my life cover money paid to me before I die to settle my debt?

9 / 10

Why is Life Cover important to have?

10 / 10

My comprehensive servere illness cover pays me out for stage 4 cancer. Seven months later, I suffer a servere heart attack. The two events are not related, will I be able to claim again?

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1 votes, 3 avg

Are you truly South African? Let’s see how well you know your SA slang!

Known as South Africanism....we have many official languages and yes we sommer combine them to keep things interesting...

1 / 10

"Jislaaik" (yis-like)

2 / 10

"Droewors" (droo-ah-vors)

3 / 10

You must "slaan" tonight

4 / 10

Ag Man?

5 / 10


6 / 10


7 / 10


8 / 10


9 / 10


10 / 10

"Sick dude"

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